
About Us

THX News™ – Your Go-To Source for Original Source-based Reporting

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak greets Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo by Picture by Simon Dawson. Gov.uk.

Welcome to THX News™, where the future of news meets the integrity of traditional journalism. At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to providing you, our global audience, with immediate access to real news, unfiltered and unbiased, as it happens.

What Sets Us Apart?

THX News™ is committed to delivering factual news directly from original press releases. Our team of experienced editors and fact-checkers ensures the accuracy and objectivity of our reporting.

We leverage advanced AI technology to assist our editors in reformatting complex information from press releases. This AI technology helps us break down long sentences, clarify jargon, and improve sentence structure, all without altering the original content.

This ensures the news remains factual and unbiased while being more accessible to a wider range of readers. By providing factual news from original sources, THX News strives to empower users with reliable information.

Timeliness and Depth

In today’s fast-paced world, timeliness is crucial. That’s why we guarantee that all our news articles are published within 2 hours of the news breaking.

This commitment means you’re always among the first to know about major events, often before they hit the mainstream news networks.

But it’s not just about speed; it’s about depth and accuracy. Our dedicated team of editors, with extensive experience in journalism, ensures all articles undergo a rigorous fact-checking process.

This ensures that unless the source itself is flawed, you’re getting the real story, with no spin or bias—just facts.

Beyond News: A Global Information Hub

THX News™ recognizes that your interests and needs go beyond the day’s headlines. That’s why our platform also serves as a vibrant hub for travel and educational content.

From real-time insights into holiday destinations to invaluable advice on career development, we’re more than a news site—we’re your window to the world.

This expansive approach is part of our vision for the information age, where AI plays a key role in democratizing access to knowledge.

Our Promise and Invitation

We understand the concerns about AI and its potential biases. That’s why we’re transparent about our journey, acknowledging the challenges and continuously striving for impartiality in our reporting.

Our platform is not just about delivering news; it’s about fostering an informed, knowledgeable global community ready to face the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Join us at THX News™ as we embark on this exciting journey into the future of news and information. Together, let’s explore the world with fresh eyes and a shared commitment to truth, understanding, and empowerment.

Our Management Team

At THX News™, our team stands apart as seasoned entrepreneurs and skilled freelancers with a rich history in the media landscape. We are not just journalists; we are experienced business owners and independent innovators.

Our diverse backgrounds in running successful businesses and navigating the challenges of freelance work empower us to deliver news with depth and authenticity.

Ivan Golden

Title: Founder, CEO, and Journalist.
Experience: Founder and CEO of the Golden Books Group™ - 22 years.
Location: Tucson, Arizona.

Md Abdul Kader Marketing Department

Md Abdul Kader

Title: Social Media and SEO Manager.
Experience: Digital Marketer, SEO professional, and WordPress engineer - 11 years.
Location: Jessore, Bangladesh.

Neil Brand Lead Engineer at THX News

Neil Brand

Title: Senior Software Engineer.
Experience: Senior Full Stack Engineer - 20 years.
Location: Florida, USA.

Tuhin Hossain

Tuhin Hossain

Title: Data Team Manager.
Experience: Freelancer - 8 years.
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Our Writers and Editors

At THX News™, our strength lies in the diversity and passion of our team. Boasting a dynamic group of volunteer journalists and editors from every corner of the globe, we are united by a shared belief in the power of real, unfiltered news to make a tangible difference in the lives of people everywhere.

Our team members bring a wide array of perspectives, ensuring our coverage is as multifaceted as our audience. Each volunteer is a crucial part of our mission, contributing to a world where information is accessible, accurate, and actionable.

As we continue to grow and evolve, we are always on the lookout for more voices to join our global chorus. If you share our commitment to truth, diversity, and empowerment, we invite you to bring your unique story and skills to THX News™.

Together, we can expand the reach of real news, fostering a more informed and connected world. Join us in our journey to illuminate, educate, and inspire, one article at a time.

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