Charles Darwin was, and still is, one of the most influential individuals in scientific history. His work has shaped our understanding of evolutionary biology and had a lasting impact on all areas of science.
Indeed, if it wasn’t for his theories that humans and other species have changed over time through natural selection, many major advancements in both medicine and genetics would not have been possible.
So what did Charles Darwin do exactly? In this article, we will explore the life-long journey of discovery that formed the basis for his theory of evolution by natural selection.

Introducing Charles Darwin – Overview of his life and accomplishments
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an evolutionary biologist and naturalist whose discoveries raised disruptive questions about the nature of species, the origins of life, and scientific exploration. After witnessing and documenting various specimens during a trip aboard the HMS Beagle, Darwin proposed his groundbreaking concept that people, other animals, and plants had evolved by natural selection.
Darwin proposed that organisms must evolve in order to fit into their changing environment to survive and he called this process ‘Survival of the Fittest’.
Thanks to writings such as ‘On the Origin of Species’ and ‘The Descent of Man’, Darwin has profoundly shaped science and given us insights into the mode in which life functions and how it came to be.

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – Exploring his ground breaking discoveries
Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution serves as a cornerstone for much of modern scientific thought. In his ground breaking work, “On The Origin Of Species by Means Of Natural Selection,” Darwin proposed the idea that species evolve over time through natural selection; in other words, advantageous traits within animals provide them with a better chance to survive and pass on these traits to their offspring, who carry the same characteristics.
This concept challenged the earlier beliefs that God created the Earth in six days (Creationism) and ultimately it changed the way scientists view nature today. Instead of an immutable structure set in place by a higher power, Darwin proposed that nature progresses through generations and is ever-evolving.
Darwin’s Theory has been confirmed numerous times over as science has progressed and continues to help shape biological studies around the world.

The Voyage of the Beagle – How this trip shaped Darwin’s Thinking
Charles Darwin set sail on the ship HMS Beagle on December 27, 1831, from Plymouth, England. He was only 22 years old when he was hired to be the ship’s naturalist, on a journey mostly spent sailing around South America.
Darwin’s five-year journey aboard the Beagle left an indelible impression on him. He observed and collected specimens from every place he visited, including exotic tropical rainforests in South America, coral atolls in the South Pacific, and active volcanoes in Indonesia.
Darwin encountered many unique species during this voyage – something he hadn’t experienced before – which challenged his views on creation.
As his observations accumulated, he began to slowly develop his own theory about the evolution of species through natural selection. Thus, by piecing together evidence from further afield than had ever been studied before, he was able to formulate his theory of evolution.

On the Origin of Species – Examining the Impact of his book on Science and Society
When Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, it sparked a revolution in scientific thought. This book put forth a compelling thesis — that species evolved over time due to natural selection — and it profoundly transformed our understanding of how organisms were related to one another and how they had come to be.
It was truly a pivotal moment in the history of science, ushering in an era of evolutionary biology and genetics.
Outside of the world of science, Darwin’s work also inspired heated debates over its implications for religion, ultimately leading some to question Creationism. As we approach its 160th anniversary, it is evident that “On the Origin of Species” left its mark on both science and society alike.

Legacy of Charles Darwin – Impact of his research today and into the future
The legacy of Charles Darwin is hard to overstate. His groundbreaking research into evolutionary theory had tremendous implications for our understanding of the natural world and its development. Darwin’s research sparked a passion in many people to better appreciate, understand, and protect modern ecosystems throughout the planet.
Even today, his principles are fundamental to conservation efforts involving species reintroduction, preservation of endangered animals, and even farming practices like crop rotation.
As we look towards the future, it stands to reason that the influence of Charles Darwin’s work will only grow as scientific innovation accelerates and, hopefully, this will inspire more people to become stewards of the Earth and live in harmony with nature.
In conclusion, Charles Darwin’s life achievements and discoveries revolutionized the field of science and changed the way we understand life on Earth.
His historic voyage across the world on H.M.S. Beagle opened his eyes to new ways of thinking and led him to formulate his Theory of Evolution, which is still widely accepted today as the fundamental explanation of how species adapt and survive over time. He then wrote and published On The Origin Of Species, which he supported with scientific, evidence-based observations.
His incredible contributions to science live on today in classrooms, laboratories, and natural history museum exhibits around the world – all testament to an incredibly influential scientist who grounded evolutionary principles in hard evidence and paved the way for future scientific advancements.
In the 160 years since Charles Darwin published On The Origin Of Species, his work has revolutionized science and had a lasting impact on society. His groundbreaking research into evolutionary theory sparked debates about Creationism and inspired many to become stewards of the Earth.
Even today, we still rely on principles laid out by Darwin in order to better understand how species evolve over time. As scientific innovation continues, it is likely that the influence of this remarkable scientist will only grow.
We should all strive to recognize and appreciate the immense contributions made by Charles Darwin throughout history so that future generations can continue to benefit from them for years to come.