A Landmark Shift in Children's Social Care The UK government has embarked on the most extensive reform of children’s social...
Read moreDetailsDespite a £22 billion deficit, the UK government has chosen to prioritize education, early years support, and childcare in its...
Read moreDetailsThe Student Loans Company (SLC) has marked a significant milestone by paying out over £5 billion in student finance since...
Read moreDetailsThe UK government has today launched a comprehensive research program and several initiatives aimed at ensuring the safe and effective...
Read moreDetailsThe Intellectual Property Office has partnered with Kids Invent Stuff and Taskmaster Education to launch a nationwide competition aimed at...
Read moreDetailsThe school support staff body reinstated, the UK government confirms the reinstatement of the School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSSNB),...
Read moreDetailsA strong foundation in early education is pivotal for a child's future success, according to a recent report by Ofsted....
Read moreDetailsThe UK government has set an ambitious timetable to expand free childcare hours, aiming to support working parents and boost...
Read moreDetailsSir Martyn Oliver, Chief Inspector of Ofsted, has unveiled a significant shift in the education watchdog's approach during a landmark...
Read moreDetailsLaunching a national creative writing competition, Vodafone and First News aim to bridge the gap between UK children's online safety...
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